Photography courtesy of
Aleksandra Warchol |
Victoria was commissioned by Watford Palace Theatre in 2019 to produce a marble run spanning the length of Watford town centre as a key part of their upcoming Imagine Festival. A pandemic, budget cuts and a lot of red tape later, "Remembering Eden" emerged in 2022. A quiet, family centred, hopeful response to overcoming adversity. Themed on a ruined heritage garden, real and recycled paper plants emerged from a gently eroding cardboard landscape.
A zero-waste project, Victoria worked with local schools, Watford Recycling Arts Project and Veolia to ensure all the materials used were recycled and would either be reused or recycled again.
Huston Bloomingsnails Mad LabVictoria designed and produced a street theatre production with Slo_Coach Theatre for Watford Live Festival 2014. "Huston Bloomingsnail had been kidnapping and genetically modifying French snails to create the ultimate snail porridge, and now they want out!" |
Oceans 14An immersive art project involving over 1500 students in 14 schools in Three Rivers as part of their student council and eco council commitments. Created on behalf of WRAP and funded by Three Rivers Council, WRAP and participating schools.
Scrumpin' in WonderlandOriginal production and costume designs by Victoria as UrbanScrumpaz for Watford Live Festival 2013 in collaboration with Slo_Coach Theatre.
Huston Bloomingsnail's Mad Lab.Script written and performed by Sam, Ng Knight from Slo Coach Theatre Company.
Original production by Victoria Culf as Urbanscrumpaz. Carnival Crossroads EastVictoria Performs in an original costume commissioned by Carnival Crossroads and funded by Arts Council England 2012
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